Expand availability of adolescent-centered care.


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Consider the facts.

Less than 50% of adolescents report receiving patient-centered care. Adolescents with patient-centered care are more likely to talk about health behaviors and have fewer unmet needs.
50% of all mental health conditions begin by age 14 and 75% by age 24.  Early identification and treatment of mental health conditions are essential for their future health.
Over half of all high school students report two or more significant risk behaviors.  Adolescents at highest risk of multiple risk-taking are males and older students.
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To expand availability of adolescent-centered care, we aim to:

  • Promote expansion of state adolescent health leadership initiatives to equip primary care sites with resources to help make their services, space, and policies more adolescent-centered, partnering with adolescent leaders in California, Michigan, Minnesota, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

  • Continue to identify comprehensive adolescent-centered models of primary care to ensure that all health care practices promote healthy lifestyles and intervene early and effectively to treat the range of physical, behavioral, and emotional needs of adolescents.

  • Expand collaboration with the Society of Adolescent Health and Medicine, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Family Phyisicians, the National Association of Nurse Practitioners, the School-Based Health Alliance, and the National Association of Community Health Centers to promote innovations in adolescent care delivery and payment.


Adolescent-Centered Care Research & Policy Communications

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